Sunday 19 March 2023

Chat GPT-3.5 vs. New Bing

 A few days ago, I had a very specific query based on the following situation that I was facing: currently my system is using DataTools API to validate addresses. A new requirement has popped up to be able to tell whether a given address is residential or business. 

Being an animal of habits, the first action was of course to search on Google. Of course it points me to web site among other references. However, it was not explicitly clear from all those sources whether DataTools APIs can return whether an address is business or not - it can distinguish email and phone numbers, but not clear about street addresses.

Not satisfied with what Google dished out, I tried the new Bing next. To my delight, it immediately gave me the straight answer:

I then asked it about Google Address Validation API's capability and some samples of Australian addresses. It gave me the information exactly as I wanted.

A few  days later, I tried the same on Chat GPT-3.5:

Clearly, it did not understand the context of DataTools. So I explained:

So 3 question in, all I got was drivel. I thought it may be my way of questioning - so I copied the exact question I used in Bing:

Again, the answer is not clear at all - certainly no clearer than what I can read from itself. I then drilled down further, all I got was ambiguity and the alternative products/solutions it returned were all obscure not well know companies, Google was certainly not in it. When I explicitly asked it about Google's Address Validation API, it misunderstood my question again... so the whole experience with Chat GPT is quite frustrating.

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